Northern Lights, Iceland

Iceland 2021

My Iceland 2021 trip was a “trip of a lifetime”.  Planning started when the Covid-19 pandemic was still on, however was starting to slow down. I was able to purchase reasonably priced airline tickets as it was so far in advance. Prices would end up doubling closer to the trip time!  First stop was New Jersey!  I had never been to New Jersey, so I was excited.  Upon arrival, I was picked up by fellow traveler Eva, who was the spearhead for this whole thing. Kim joined, along with her daughter, and the group was almost complete.  We did a photo shoot the first evening at the Empty Sky Memorial ( ) and got some great shots of the New York City Skyline from the New Jersey side, an old train station (no longer used as such), and overall, had a great time.  

Old train station, New Jersey
New Jersey Train station

Arrival in Iceland and the beginning of the trip!

The Day of flight arrived and we met up with the last member of our party, Gina.  We had all tested negative for Covid-19 and were allowed to leave the country.  Some mad scrambles were made with baggage due to weights and we were all finally allowed to get on the plane with everything we had (think I did have some extra fees…grrrr).  Smooth flight and a number of hours later, BAM! arrival in Iceland and the bus ride from the airport to Reykjavík.  

We had a full day here, Gina and I got “lost” while wondering the city and saw some sights that are not always on the main path.  Eva, Kim and Kolby stuck together and also enjoyed their sites.  Overall, we had a fantastic time, recovered mostly from the jet-lag, and ate some great food! 

Ancient Glacier Ice, now Iceberg
Glacier Bay, Iceland

Thor was our tour guide for the week.  He HATES being in the city, so pickup was really early to beat the traffic and to get us on to better photo scenes.  Over the coming days, we saw sights all along the Southwest coast of Iceland, South coast of Iceland, and the lower Southeast coast of Iceland.  

Northern Lights on my birthday! NO sneaker waves on the beach. Glaciers. Diamond Beach. Glacier lagoon….. All too quickly, the week was done and time to head home.  Look through my Iceland 2021 photo album to see some of the great sites!  Thor did a fantastic job, took time to teach new methods and skills, new ways to see a photo, and introduced the group to fermented shark.  If nothing else will clear your sinuses, Fermented Shark will do so!!  I had a couple pieces of it….the rest of the group….well, they enjoyed WATCHING me eat the shark.  

Negative Covid-19 testing and we were all back on the plane for home.  Tired. Excited. Longing to stay. Planning the next trip.  ALL was good.  Next trip? Well, You never know.  Maybe!  I think everyone is considering it!  

Háifoss Waterfall, Iceland
Háifoss waterfall, Iceland