Wright Bros Plane

Lighthouses of Maine

Portland Head Lighthouse
Portland Head Lighthouse

Lighthouses of Maine 

Lighthouses of Maine started as a “lets go see Puffins”… The only right answer to “Lets go see Puffins” was an enthusiastic “SURE!”  The trip improved or degraded from there, and much of the measurement tool that most people would use is “sleep” and “food”.  We didn’t get much sleep, and we ate mostly gas station food…

So, What Lighthouses did we see?

Our first hit was the Nubble Lighthouse.  Hard part with this stop was that it was bluebird skies (clear), and Noon-ish….which means light isn’t great for photography…. but we got a couple good pics. nubblelight.org. We moved on to Portland Head Lighthouse and got sunset pics. portlandheadlight.com/…-do/the-lighthouse.   We also came back before sunrise to capture sunrise.  In addition to Portland Head Lighthouse, we got Ram Island Ledge Light Station.  lighthousefriends.com/light.asp.  After sunrise, we were able to hit Bug Light Park and the Bug Lighthouse. visitportland.com/…0/03/11/bug-light-park. From here we ran further North…. ALL the way North…. Canada North…. and we were able to get both lighthouses on Campobello Island Canada.  We got both Mulholland Point Lighthouse and East Quoddy Head Lighthouse.  East Quoddy Head Lighthouse  has a couple interesting features such as 27 foot change of tide, and the lighthouse is actually 2 islands out, requiring crossing at low tide (as you walk out along the sea floor), up and/or down 3-4 rickety ladders/stairs complete with rope and duct-tape holding them together….does not also mention the twist in the “ladder” or the seaweed/rocks which are SLICK…  It was exciting.  We also hit West Quoddy Head Lighthouse which is in the USA side of things. westquoddy.com   Cutler ME had the Little River Lighthouse, which we saw by boat.  littleriverlight.org/overnight-stays.  In addition to all this, there was also the lighthouse that was on the island with the puffins. Machias Seal Island is claimed by both the USA and Canada… but Canada has the lighthouse AND researchers on the ground.  No passport was needed, and a great time was had there watching puffins.  

Was there anything else?!

Yes.  Yes there was.  But you will have to look for additional photo albums and “blogs” for that info!  This is about the lighthouses!! 🙂